The theories about teaching students according to learning styles have been debunked in research, but the idea has been difficult to interrupt in practice. We read a new paper focused on helping teachers move on from old thinking related to learning styles with more productive contemporary research.
Later, we look at a listener recommendation focused on helping students think about how they view their own learning, in order to promote more effective practices among students.
- First Segment – 02:22 – Moving on from learning styles
- Second Segment – 29:45 – Teaching students learning strategies
Primary Citations
- Dinsmore, D. L., Fryer, L. K., & Parkinson, M. M. (2022). The Learning Styles Hypothesis is False, but there are Patterns of Student Characteristics that are Useful. Theory Into Practice, (just-accepted).
- **Kruse, J., Wilcox, J., & Easter, J. (2022). Learning to Learn: Drawing Students’ Attention to Ideas about Learning. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 95(2), 110-116.
- Listener suggestion
Supplemental Citations
- 019 Evidence & Action (Two Pint PLC)
- 011 For Whom Does the Bell Toll (Two Pint PLC)
- 049 Multimedia Models & Administrative Dysfunction (Two Pint PLC)
- “Simple, Plausible & Wrong” Quote (Quote Investigator)
- “When you know better, do better” Quote (OWN)
- ##
- Make it Stick (Brown, 2014)
- Thinking Fast & Slow (Kahneman, 2013)
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We drink Dragon’s Milk Reserve #2, a bourbon barrel-aged stout from New Holland Brewing Co in Holland, MI.