This month we reflect on our year of reading scholarship and growing as humans. First we’ll return to the segments we felt had the greatest impact on our practice and our thinking from the research we read. Later, we’ll reflect specifically on our praxis. We share some of the changes we’re making in our classroom… Read More »
Season 7
089 Curriculum Sensemaking & Behavior Grading
Many curriculum decisions are made at the district-level, but each classroom teacher must figure out how to implement those decisions for themselves. We read a study showing how “philosophical fidelity” is far more important than “mechanical fidelity” to the success of district efforts to improve instruction. Later, we read a study of required behavior grades… Read More »
088 Disagreement Listening & Aphantasia
It can feel like people in disagreement just aren’t listening to each other. We read a study showing disagreement significantly reduces our perceptions of being listened to, regardless of how well our audience does listen. We discuss takeaways for exhibiting active listening behaviors that reduce the effect. Later, we read a review of research on… Read More »
087 Memory Spacing & Homework Parents
Practice is more effective when we space it out, rather than doing lots of repetitions all at once. We read research that looked at the effect of varied practice compared to identical practice over time. Their results show subtle variation helps students focus and remember the important elements upon recall. Later, we read an account… Read More »
086 PBL Effects & Mindfulness Introspection
Project-Based Learning is a thoroughly researched method of instruction with many benefits. We read a meta-analysis looking specifically at how PBL affects student motivation, and saw data illustrating just how important an excellent project prompt is to project success. Later, we read a study showing neurofeedback devices can increase the accuracy of students’ understanding of… Read More »
085 Academic Anxiety & Principal Leadership
More schools are looking to address the socio-emotional needs of students, and a key area for that work is helping students manage anxiety in the classroom. We look at a study showing how some accommodations may be reinforcing their anxiety, and how teachers can help students develop healthier strategies for managing it. Later, we read… Read More »
084 Theater Empathy & Cognitive Load
Field trips to the theater can be memorable opportunities for students to engage in community-based performing arts. Dr. Goldstein joins us to talk about how even a single theater experience can have an impact on socio-emotional outcomes like empathy and perspective-taking for students. Later, we discuss the intersection of cognitive load theory and motivation. Their… Read More »
083 Underachievement & Artificial Intelligence
Student underachievement occurs when students’ day-to-day class performance is lower than their test scores predict it should be. We read a review of research that shows the causes of underachievement can vary widely. Still, it gives teachers some useful starting points when trying to help a student reach their full potential. Later, we discuss some… Read More »
082 Stimulus Complexity & Student Caregiving
This month is a collaborative episode with the hosts of the School Spirits podcast. We read a study of pigeon working memory that indicates complex visuals activate substantially more of our brains than simple ones, which can help with memory and processing of information. Later, we discuss new data that shows how common caregiving responsibilities… Read More »
081 Instructional Agency & Bilingual Math
Researchers measured the impact of student-directed project weeks on their sense of motivation over the course of a school year. We reflect on the importance of consistently prioritizing learner agency throughout the year, rather than sequestering it to a single week of freedom. Later, we read a review of research on learning math in bilingual… Read More »