Edutopia did another review of the best research of 2024, and we are here to talk about it. First, discussion of student errors can lead to big gains in student learning. However, those gains only come in an interactive, collaborative class culture.
Later, the remembered success effect shows that ending challenging learning experiences with clear victories on more attainable problems improves student perceptions of their learning in ways that can sustain their motivation long-term.
- First Segment – 02:21 – Learning from Errors in Interactive Classrooms
- Second Segment – 24:46 – Inclusion of Lower Challenge for Memories of Success
Primary Citations
Hat tip to Edutopia’s 2024 article for this month’s papers: The 10 Most Significant Education Studies of 2024 (Edutopia)
- Metcalfe, J., Xu, J., Vuorre, M., Siegler, R., Wiliam, D., & Bjork, R. A. (2024). Learning from errors versus explicit instruction in preparation for a test that counts. British Journal of Educational Psychology.
- Edutopia entry #5
- Free Access: ResearchGate
- Finn, B., Miele, D. B., & Wigfield, A. (2024). Investigating the remembered success effect with elementary and middle school students. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Edutopia entry #1
Supplemental Citations
Featured Beverage
We drank Very Berry Yum Yum, a mixed berry kolsch from the Denver Brewing Co. in Denver, CO.