We must balance teaching content knowledge and professional skills. Will Dunn joins as a guest host on an episode dedicated to exploring how we pursue this balance throughout educational practice. We start with a discussion of how we should situate competencies in standards.
Later, we read about the theory of embodied cognition. This theory emphasizes the importance of sensory experience, and we discuss how it impacts what students should see/feel/touch/smell/hear in our classroom.
Finally, Will brings the conversation around to assessment practices. We wrestle with what common assessments should (and shouldn’t) do.
- First Segment – 01:50 – Standards based on skills
- Second Segment – 13:30 – Embodied cognition
- Third Segment – 33:23 – Common assessments
Cover image from Steven Hoover
Featured Guest
Primary Citations
Alvarez, M. G. (2018). Can Character Solve Our Problems? Character Qualities and the Imagination Age. Creative Education, 9(02), 152.
Sadoski, M. (2018). Reading comprehension is embodied: Theoretical and practical considerations. Educational Psychology Review, 30(2), 331-349.
Frey, B. B., & Schmitt, V. L. (2010). TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT PRACTICES. Middle Grades Research Journal, 5(3).
Supplemental Citations
- Measuring Skills for 21st-Century Learning (Silva 2009)
- What are the 21st-century skills every student needs? (World Economic Forum)
- 025 Factories and Cohesion (Two Pint PLC)
- The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School (Neal Postman – 1996)
- Common Core – Practices & Domains (Common Core State Standards Initiative)
- Competency Education Implementation: Examining the Influence of Contextual Forces in Three New Hampshire Secondary Schools (Torres 2018)
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- A Brief Guide to Embodied Cognition: Why You Are Not Your Brain (Scientific American)
- Embodied Cognition: What It Is & Why It’s Important (Psychology Today)
- Embodied Cognition – An Overview (ScienceDirect Topics)
Featured Beverage
We drink Shake, a chocolate porter from Boulder Beer Co in Boulder, CO.